- Sylvia Tapia
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Human Resources Generalist Sylvia Tapia chose Education, Knowledge, Prevention, Awareness, Diligence and Priority. Let’s find out a little more about Sylvia’s thoughts on cybersecurity.
...And now, Sylvia in her own words:
Cybersecurity is an intriguing topic to me because you don’t know what’s underneath the surface whether we’re talking about a website or an incoming email. You have to ask yourself, is there a negative intention or consequence behind this about which I need to know? Is this an attempt to steal my personal information and identity?
You need Education and Knowledge to better arm yourself… to be more aware and not fall complacent. You need these things so that you know how to use the various tools and strategies to prevent someone trying to take advantage of you.
Prevention tactics are all about finding out what’s the new stuff we need to know. The cyber world is getting bigger, not smaller – its reach is limitless – so without question there will always be cybercriminals. The part that we can’t control is the unknown, such as criminals using new avenues to get beyond our current firewalls, continually evolving their efforts, especially on the dark web.
Awareness is critical because you can’t protect yourself with ignorance. You have to know what’s out there. What’s the potential risk involved in your day-to-day dealings online? Having this level of awareness puts you into a security mindset, so you can be smarter with your online behaviors.
Diligence is key. Part of cybersecurity risks that can be a bit exhausting is that cyber criminals don’t stop trying to come up with new ways to gain access to what you know, who you know, and what those people know whether its identity theft or a data breach. And what’s most important to realize is diligence… that not only do our cybersecurity teams enact highly stringent security measures, but that we, the daily users, be equally diligent about reporting suspicious activities, risky behaviors and potential weakness in how we conduct business.
What we make a Priority is what lets me do my job with confidence. We’re so paranoid about getting compromised that it can be overwhelming. And with all that I have to do in a day, I can’t afford to get locked out, so making cybersecurity a community and university priority is the only way I can do my job right.
So really, having cybersecurity folks continually being out in the public and getting people talking and thinking critically about cybersecurity and how to keep our community safe. That’s why I eventually became a Cyber Champion to do just that.
What does cybersecurity mean to you? Submit your own Six Words today!